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Kymm is a survivor of inoperable cancer, and who’s life threatening illness brought her face to face with her mortality, increasing her visions with heaven. With no religious background, Kymm was transported to heaven in an open vision NDE during a self-healing regime of fasting and deep surrender, bringing forth the profound message that heaven is indeed real!
Kymm is an Author, Speaker, Singer, Prophetic Counselor, Ordained Minister and Wedding Officiant.
Kymm connects with her clients one on one in her AIM spiritual counseling sessions for spiritual guidance in all areas of life through the Holy Spirit. Kymm is gifted in receiving prophetic information from heaven that can help treat grief, traumas, and guidance in life matters.
Go to the Booking button for scheduling a session with Kymm.
Connect with Kymm on these social media platforms your like, follow, and comments are blessings.
Contact Email is kymm@angelintuitiveminstry.com
Client Reviews
I don’t know how Kymm does it but it must be a gift from God to speak to our loved ones that we miss so much! In my case she perfectly describes a dress my mother wore a brown dress with polka dots at that! She had no way of knowing this and it was a way to validate it really was my mom💜 This reading made me feel so much better as my mom had a lot to say to her and I felt so connected with Kymm’s spiritual counseling:) If you're feeling like you need a healing please call Kymm and make an appointment - you won’t be sorry!
- Dawn L.
I had the most amazing reading with Kymm today. We went to high school together and recently reconnected although I live in a different state. I reached out to her because I saw how God has been working in her life and witnessed her beautiful connection to angels, blessed Mother Mary and how she lives her life with positivity and intent. I expected to enjoy the experience of her gift from God. The reading far exceeded my imagination.
Kymm was able to provide tangible insights, specific details and a beautiful connection to those special people in my life who have crossed over, all with nothing more than a first name and their relationship to me. I look forward to another reading in the future and I highly recommend her services, especially during this most difficult and challenging time.
- Jennifer O.
There is something so special about Kymm... she is truly gifted! During the short time my grandfather became sick and passed away, Kymm shared amazing things with me that she was seeing/hearing. When I would talk to her about him, she would see figures/light behind me. She told me he was ready to move on from this world and sure enough he passed peacefully and did not suffer long. My favorite was after his passing, she told me he was in heaven showing off his 2 wings! This was so special to me because he only had 1 arm here on Earth and now in heaven he was proud to have 2 wings. It was so amazing and comforting to have this connection to him during this hard time. I recommend Kymm to anyone looking for healing, closure, or anything spiritually related. It is rare to hear/see/feel the things she does and it's something she loves to share with the world.
- Dana K
I have known Kymm personally for nearly 10 years. From the moment I meant her, I saw something very special, a deep authenticity that you don’t see in many people. As our friendship grew, I had the privilege of observing Kymm’s spiritual gifts not only in my own life, but in the lives of people that I don’t know but to whom I’ve watched Kymm impact with her clairvoyant abilities. Kymm is first and foremost a devout Christian with one of the purest and most intimate relationships to Jesus Christ that I’ve ever witnessed. She cares for people to her core and has a deep passion for helping others. Having recently lost my father, I can tell you unequivocally that it was Kymm who brought me peace, and continues to bring me peace and comfort, through her divine gifts. Kymm is pure light, humble and brings abundant love and light to all. Kymm is a gift!
- Darla K
Kymm has a strong connection with the spiritual realm. She has given me important insights that were very beneficial in helping me to deal with life’s challenges.
- Charles P.
I had an amazing reading with Kymm today. She gave me multiple messages of guidance from my mother who passed away from cancer last year. All of my unspoken questions were addressed and I received exactly what I needed in order to move forward in my life right now. Kymm is amazingly kind and sweet, she automatically felt like a mentor the second we started talking. I am so blessed to have received these messages and am so grateful for Kymm for communicating them to me.
- Lauren
Kymm is the "real deal," not only as a psychic and medium, but in using a true spiritual gift in accordance with Scripture.
I am a former Southern Baptist deacon, Sunday school teacher and for the past 10 years have been a Bible consultant to psychics and mediums. I am the author of three books, which essentially prove that these gifts are from the Lord and we have a responsibility to use them to glorify the Lord.
Up until a few days ago, I had been primarily doing this for Kymm. While praying for me one night, my grandfather came through--one I never knew because he passed away 18 years before I was born. I only knew a few details about him; however, with no input from me, Kymm was completely spot on with those details. In addition, she picked up on a thought I never told her about, but have told my wife many times: "I hear you ask or pose the question 'what is it like to be psychic or have a vision...and why hasn't it happened to me'?"
Finally, she pointed out--Biblically, in the manner spoken of in 1 Timothy 4:14 in the Bible--that I had a gift of claircognizance. I had heard the term before, but she restated a truth about me which pointed that out: I often did things that I didn't have the knowledge to do.
Kymm is very dedicated, in all that she does, to serve the Lord with her gifts, which is why she and I have connected. I am confident that if you have questions about what spiritual gifts you have, and how to begin using them for God's glory, Kymm will amaze you as she did with me!
- Kevin Schoeppel, author of
"The Bible: The Truth about Psychics & Spiritual Gifts"
I had a reading with Kymm.She was right on. My mother who has passed away came thru for me and so many questions were answered. I walked away feeling like I could finally let go of some things I had been carrying. I feel my mother's presence stronger then ever before. Thank you Kymm!
- Cindy H.